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Hints from Heloise


Dear Heloise: As a realtor, people often ask me what my solution is for securing a home that is on the market but unoccupied. I use a lockbox that can be purchased in just about any hardware store. It’s one of the best ways to keep your home safe from thieves. -- Laura C., Chicago Laura, it might be, but when I see a lockbox on a home, it usually tells me that the people who live there aren’t home. A thief who is surveying the home will usually look in the windows to see if there is any movement or signs of people living there. They can enter through a window, a door with a wheel lock, and other means.

Keep the popcorn handy

There is an old saying that 30 days is a lifetime in politics and there is no greater example of this than what has taken place recently. In the U.S one candidate for president has quit the race and a substitute candidate has replaced him. The main opponent had spent three years organizing his entire campaign against someone who was no longer the candidate. No telling how many twists and turns there will be in the next three months. Keep the popcorn handy as we never know what will come popping out of Door No. 3.


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