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Hints From Heloise

Hints From Heloise

Dear Heloise: Quite some time ago, a very kind woman suggested that if you have trouble screwing caps back on, as she did, try turning it the wrong way first, then screw the cap on. I’m 86, and I’ve had trouble doing this forever. But no more! This works, and every time I do it, I mentally thank her! Hope she reads this! -- C.S., via email C.S., I forgot about this method of screwing a cap on! I’ll try it the next time I have any difficulties with a screw-on cap. Thanks for reminding us about this useful hint! -- Heloise

New Texas laws now in effect

It took some time, but a set of new laws and rules passed by the Texas Legislature in 2023 went into effect on Sept. 1, the Houston Chronicle reported. Prominent among these are the SCOPE Act, or Securing Children Online Through Parental Empowerment Act, which tightens restrictions for online users younger than 18.


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