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Digging into the Bible like digging for gold

I’m probably just speaking to a select few in my devotion this week, but I want you to know that the Bible is real, it’s a part of history, world history. Yet, the Bible is true, in all its ventures. Whatever it says about history, whatever it says about life, whatever it says about world events, is true. Oh, it has parables, stories told to make a point, and there are a few fables, only one or two, and there are illustrations throughout the pages, but all of them are told in order to make a point or two, and those “points” are usually about life itself. We know that the Bible is generally not allowed to be taught in public schools, which is somewhat of a paradox because in the early days of education here in America, the Bible was actually a textbook, mainly used to teach the English language. And there are a few schools in which the Bible is allowed to be taught because it is a book about history. And that is true. Primarily it is a book of history of the Jewish people, but there are a lot more people in there than just the Jewish nation. There are all kinds of nations found running around through the pages of that Book. However, there is one particular nation that is found in every book of the Bible, and that is the nation of mankind. Why, you can find the story of mankind in both the Old and the New Testaments because you see, the Bible is all about you and all about me. It’s about your story and my story, as we walk through the pages of life.

‘Paws’ and reflect on the purr-suit of the names for baby animals

Everyone loves baby animals; they’re just too cute to resist. While it’s common knowledge that a baby dog is called a puppy and a baby cat is called a kitten, did you know that baby capybaras, bats, and armadillos are also referred to as “pups?” Or that the young of beavers, ferrets, otters, foxes, minks, and skunks are also called “kittens” or “kits?” Additionally, a baby binturong (also known as the bearcat of Southeast Asia) can be called a pup or kitten.


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