Mexia officials plan cleanup day, demolitions
The City of Mexia’s massive ongoing cleanup project will include a citywide cleanup day and demolitions of abandoned buildings in the new fiscal year beginning Oct. 1.
The City of Mexia’s massive ongoing cleanup project will include a citywide cleanup day and demolitions of abandoned buildings in the new fiscal year beginning Oct. 1.
The Buffalo Livestock Auction held its weekly livestock auction on Saturday, August 24. The sale is held every Saturday. Total head sold 1230, total head last sale was 1500. There were 189 sellers and 66 buyers.
I have had three somewhat successful vegetable gardens in my lifetime. The first one was while I was a seminary student in Ft. Worth, Texas. I had two large plots of plowed up ground in the backyard of the house we were renting. The second was when I was the pastor of my first church, about ten miles outside of the community of Crawford, Texas. It, too, was while I was a student in seminary. And the third was while I was pastoring a small country church in Neches, Texas. I had graduated from seminary, but this “farming stuff” was still new to me.
I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone for the surprise party on Sunday, Aug. 18, celebrating my 85th birthday, which was on Aug. 24. I am deeply touched by the number of friends who came, and I’m grateful for your love and kindness.
The world’s largest operating steam locomotive, Big Boy No. 4014, just left its home station and will stop in Mexia at the East Commerce Street Crossing crom 12:45 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 19.
214 N. Railroad
Mexia, TX 76667
(254) 562-2868