Caritas to hold fashion show Aug. 5
With the first day of school looming: Wednesday, Aug. 15, students and parents who are looking for inexpensive back-toschool clothes may want to consider Caritas Thrift Store as a first
With the first day of school looming: Wednesday, Aug. 15, students and parents who are looking for inexpensive back-toschool clothes may want to consider Caritas Thrift Store as a first
For the third time in a year and a half Weight Watchers-Mexia joined forces with Walk Across Texas to support the AgriLife program and to become more fit in the
The Limestone County Historical Commission conducted its regular meeting July 3 in the Limestone County courtroom. Members present were Dixie Hoover, Cindy Pollard, Bubba McDonald, Linda Jordan, Bruce Jordan, Joe
Limestone County commissioners court heard reports at its July 10 meeting from the Sheriff’s Office and Juvenile Detention Center about individuals arrested or detained during June. Chief Deputy Murray Agnew
Two nursing homes, Mexia LTC and Groesbeck LTC held a joint fan drive and collected 17 new fans to help seniors with no air conditioning. The drive ran throughout June
214 N. Railroad
Mexia, TX 76667
(254) 562-2868