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If you think your child is not developing typically, Child Find can help. Early education can be critical because of the amount of learning that takes place in the preschool years. Public schools In Texas provide for the special education of children who have a disability ages 3-21. Children with identified physical, mental perceptual, speech, language, social and/ or emotional disabilities may be eligible for the program. Children with vision and/or hearing problems may be eligible for services beginning at birth. Districts use information from a variety of sources to determine eligibility according to federal and state guidelines. Each child’s program is individualized to meet the child’s needs. If you think your child is not developing typically, Child Find can help. If you’re aware of a child who may have a disability, please contact the Mexia Independent School District’s Special Education Department at 254-5624005 for information about screening and evaluation services at no cost.


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Mexia News

214 N. Railroad

Mexia, TX 76667

(254) 562-2868