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Community Calendar

7:30 a.m. – Fallen Heroes 5K Fun Run at the Fairfield Fairgrounds in Fairfield to benefit the Trooper Damon C. Allen Memorial Foundation. The Foundation helps first-responders with emergency expenses. The run may also be taken virtually, which means the runner makes the run before this date and has it timed. Directions at the website: fallenheroes5kfunrun.itsyourrace. com. Cost is $40. Participants get a T-shirt and medal.

Mexia Garden Club’s Yard of the Month
Mexia Garden Club’s Yard of the Month

Mexia Garden Club’s Yard of the Month

Mexia Garden Club has selected the home of Margaret Cogdell, 200 Oakwood Drive, as September’s Yard of the Month. Mounds of bright yellow lantana are anchored by esperanza and sprays of bougainvillea near the front entry. A large tree is surrounded by blooming blue periwinkle and shades of both purple and green sweet potato vine. Her garage door is flanked by ferns in urns, souvenirs from her granddaughter’s wedding four years ago. Her back yard features sculpted rosebeds with knockout and drift roses, with mature sagos framing the patio.


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Mexia News

214 N. Railroad

Mexia, TX 76667

(254) 562-2868