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MHS goes to remote learning after 3 students test positive for COVID-19

Mexia High School has had three students test positive for COVID-19 in the last 48 hours, and numerous staff and students forced to quarantine due to close contact, according to a press release posted Tuesday afternoon on the Mexia Independent School District website.

The district has elected to shift MHS to full-remote learning Wednesday, Nov. 18, through Friday, Nov. 20. The district will be on Thanksgiving holiday the following week and the plan will be for students to return to in-person school Monday, Nov. 30.

“This is a unique and challenging school year,” MISD Superintendent Dr. Lyle DuBus said via the press release. “One of our district’s challenges is having enough qualified adults to assist in substituting when we have staff absences for any reason. When we have large numbers of staff out, our schools are having difficulties filling vacancies.”

In the most recent Health and Human Services report (Nov. 2-8), MISD reported that seven staff members throughout the district tested positive for COVID-19.

“In working with Limestone County public health, we do not feel that these cases are being passed at school, but are coming from the larger community into the building,” DuBus said in the release. “Our staff and students have done an extraordinary job wearing masks and maintaining six feet distance when possible, which continues to slow and even stop COVID spread within our buildings.”

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