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Dear Heloise: I just graduated from college, and I’m in my first apartment. I am teaching myself how to cook and have bought a couple of cookbooks. I’ve discovered that I really like leeks in a number of dishes. I was wondering if I can substitute green onions for leeks if the grocery store is out of leeks? -- Chad K., Wilmington, Illinois Chad, well, yes, you can. But there will be a slight difference in the flavor of the dish you prepare. Leeks have a rather subtle flavor once they are cooked, and they are almost always cooked in various dishes. Green onions have a sharper taste and are sold in bunches, whereas leeks are usually sold one at a time due to their larger size. But please, do try experimenting with various seasonings and develop your own dishes to suit your taste buds. -- Heloise

Super Sale fundraiser this weekend

Community Care Club, a charitable organization whose members live on the south side of Richland Chambers Lake, is putting together another garage sale on steroids. It happens Saturday, April 27, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., at the Southern Oaks Volunteer Fire Station at 120 Southern Oaks Drive in Streetman. This year it spills over into a second location for the first time at the Southern Oaks Clubhouse, across the street from the fire station.


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